Extracted from IFAC Newsletter No. 4 (August 2020):
The European PhD Award is given annually in recognition of the best PhD thesis in Europe, in the field of Control for Complex and Heterogeneous Systems, and it is sponsored by EECI http://www.eeci-igsc.eu. The aim is to encourage high-quality works among young researchers in their initial research period. Any thesis, which is defended in European Universities, during the period between 15 July, Year(n-1) and 14 July, Year(n), and written in English, is eligible for the Year(n) PhD award. The main scientific contributions have to be related with analysis of involved dynamical systems, development of the control and estimation theory, or their applications to cutting-edge real-world problems. The selection is based on a peer-reviewing process with the Scientific Committee approval.
The competition for the 2020 European PhD Award will be open at the end of the year, with the deadline 28 February 2021, see http://eeci2.l2s.supelec.fr/PhD_Award. From this year 2020 competition, the field of the prize will be enlarged to Systems & Control in general.